Product Description
Our Farm, Your Food
For five generations, Thunder Acres has grown wheat on the plains of Kansas. We plant, grow, harvest, clean, and package our wheat seed. Thunder Acres ships directly to the consumer. This enables us to have full control over the entire production process. In addition to harvesting the seed, we bale the straw using it for animal bedding and garden mulch. We also sell wheatgrass growing kits, hedge apples, alfalfa hay, raw cotton, coco coir, and grow trays. Our farm prides itself on using sustainable and friendly farming methods which ensures that our farm will be viable for generations to come. We welcome any questions about our farm, our products, or agriculture in general.
Our Wheat Seed
Wheat Seed Details In Kansas, we raise hard red winter wheat. With the help of timely thunderstorms in the spring and fall, Kansas is routinely the top producing wheat state in the United States. We plant in October and harvest in June. From June till October we prepare the soil for planting. We put a lot of time and care into growing our crop, and harvest is truly a special time when we get to see a years’ worth of work come to fruition.
- Our wheat seed is Non-GMO and non-irradiated.
- We never use Round up or glyphosate on our wheat.
- Shipped in a re-sealable bag.
- Can be sprouted for salads, ground for flour, grown for wheatgrass juice, or grown for cat-grass.
Wheatgrass Growing Instructions
Items Needed
- 1 Cup wheat berries
- Sprouting jar
- A Planting trayor pot
- Potting Soil or Coco Coir
- Spray bottle (optional)
- Place rinsed wheat berries in a quart size sprouting jar.
- Soak for at least 6 hours or overnight. Drain off all water. This step can be skipped
- Place a layer of soil across the bottom of the growing tray. Wheat seed can be boosted by adding organic crab meal to the soil.
- Add pre-soaked wheat seed to the top of the soil and cover with about 1/2 inch of soil
- It is very important that the soil is moist but not muddy. If too wet, seeds can rot and mold is more likely to grow. Wheat seed does not need that much water to sprout.
- Continue to water every other day. We recommend using a spray bottle to ensure even watering and prevent over watering.
- The wheatgrass will be ready for use in about 6-8 days if not sooner. Cut and use.
- It will keep growing and be ready to reuse again in 3-4 days
More Information
Wheatgrass or Catgrass?
The difference between wheatgrass and catgrass is simply nothing. Our catgrass is pure wheat seed. Cat-grass is a favorite treat of cats, weather they eat it or lay in it.
Storing Wheat.
The best way to store wheat seed is in a sealed container in a cool dry place. If wheat is suspected to become infected with insects place in the freezer for a few days.
Juicing Wheatgrass
- ½ cup green grapes
- ½ shot of wheatgrass
- ½ peach
- ½ cup pineapple
- 4 ounces water Blend all of the ingredients together in blender, add a few ice cubes if desired.